Exclusive Offers

Choose the rate you prefer, discover the exclusive offers you only find on our site, at the best guaranteed price


Check availability and book in a few clicks, with the option of choosing a rate that does not require any advance payment


If the rate you choose requires a payment, you can choose the method you prefer, in a secure and safe manner

Enter your dates of stay and click on the "check availability" button. To view accommodation, rates and availability.
NOTE: You can not make a reservation with two different rates (eg non-refundable and standard).

If you are traveling with children, please indicate the number by age, so check out the available reductions

Offers not currently available

Find out what extra services we can offer you. You can request them after booking your accommodation (contact us by email or phone).

No accommodation available for the entire required period. Contact us for more information.

VAT included - city tax excluded

Booking Amount

VAT included
city tax excluded

© Copyright 2021 – Casa Maja, Camere a Favignana (Via Archimede, angolo via Volta) - Elite Island s.r.l. – P.IVA: 02523280812